Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Holland VS Italy

Spring-Summer are very exciting and eventful periods of the year! :)

Just opened at the MAXXI (Museum for the XXI century arts-Rome), Holland and Italy, curated by Gabriele Mastrigli.
10 works of architecture, 5 Dutch firms VS (not really VS) 5 Italian firms made up of people who worked in Holland
An exhibition about Dutch architecture where the Italian component "works as a reactor, as the critic counterpart".
The participants are coupled on the base of 5 different topics:
Home: Power House Company (NL) VS Beniamino Servino (IT)
Pavilion: Atelier Kempe Thill (NL) VS GruppoA12 (IT)
Context: Baukuh (NL) VS Onix (IT)
Infrastructure: NL Architects (NL) VS Ian+ (IT)
City: Crimson (NL) VS Dogma (IT)

more info @ Holland and Italy

via Arch'it